Saturday, August 14, 2010

ToonsTunes Cheats and ToonsTunes Fans Party

*Just in: Nanibobo was telling the ToonsTunes staff about our party and they are now coming!*

Hey Toons! Today, ToonsTunes Cheats and ToonsTunes Fans have teamed up to create a party together!

There will be fun songs, concerts, bands, and more!

We hope having our two blogs host this - we will get a big turn out and have a great party.

If you can't read the image above, it says:

Date: Friday, August 20th.Time: 7:00 Central, 8:00 Eastern, 5:00 Western.Place: Landing Pad on the server Milky Way.

Lol, Nanibobo, (a mod on ToonsTunes) has even tweeted about our party coming up...

We hope to see you there!-Blanket, Duder and Princesss.

P.S.- Thank you guys for all the votes that came in on our blog! Wow 85% of the votes were positive and great! We thank you for voting that way and hope you continue to visit! Thanks so much!


  1. Awesome! Can't wait till it comes and for those who don't know,it's PM for the times.

  2. Lol Yep! See ya there Codoyote!

  3. Awesome I am from and yes I am coming to this party :D

  4. Sweet! I am so glad we have fans from this blog and Blanket's! Can not wait!

  5. Hey Everyone. It is just in..... NaniBobo is telling the staff about the upcoming party on Friday! woot!

  6. Can't wait for the party guys!

