Friday, August 20, 2010

Party Review!

Hey Everyone, Duder here! Oh My Goodness, I do not know what to say. As I got on, a bunch of toons were already in the Landing Pad and ready to party! I can not believe how many people were there to support ToonsTunes Fans and ToonsTunes Cheats! Well despite not having the other two hosts there, Blanket and Princesss, I really think this party was a total success.

Ok, Here are all the party pics that were taken.....

Toons at the Landing Pad....

Toons Jumping Around.....

Toons Smiling.....

Toons at my pod......

Toons at Blue Deck partying....

Everyone, I would just like to say that I had an awesome time! Everyone who came was so nice! I must have gotten a bunch of "You Rocks!" and "Awesome Party!" but, it is really you guys who came that made it. Without you, there would be no party. I would like to thank everyone who came including the mods who stopped by! I am so honored to see that around 30 toons showed up for some fun! Well thanks again and I hope you enjoyed the party as much as I did!


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