Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back to School Concert Items!

Hey Guys, Duder here! I went on ToonsTunes and noticed that the items for the Concert are able to be bought now. Here are what they look like.......
BK Glasses
BK Hair
BK Hat
BK Hat/Hair
BK Silver Necklace
Sun Shirt

There is also this awesome poster to put in your pod about the concert to let others know you went!

These items are super cool so make sure you buy them while you can! I can not wait for the party that will be taking place in just a few hours! I will post pictures of the Concert on here after it takes place. See ya there!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Duder Guess what I have gotten 1,000 hits!! And I’m having a party this monday.. and there maybe a free item.. *Hint hint* And mods will come! So hope you can make it the times place server etc. are all on
    -Epic Toon
